To exude Executive Presence and Style, recognising your body shape is the first step.
It will also save you time as there is no need to try on an item of clothing that is clearly meant for another shape altogether!
Why is it important to know your body shape?
You may be familiar with women having an Apple shape or a Pear shape but here at Capsule Wardrobe Collection, we work with 7 female body shapes and 4 male body shapes.
When I’m running a workshop specifically based on How To Dress Your Body Shape, you’ll find bowls of raw fruits, vegetables and nuts!
Apart from serving as colourful table decorations and a healthy snack or two, there’s another reason of course.
It’s this, women are the first to put themselves down when it comes to discussing body shapes.
Some women don’t feel comfortable to talk about their shape although there is NO perfect body shape.
When they do venture to describe their body shape, it’s typically dismissive and self-sabotaging.
These are just a few of the typical answers that I hear:
‘Oh, I’m dumpy’.
‘I’ve lost my waist’.
‘I don’t like my bottom’.
‘I’m out of proportion’.
‘I’m top heavy’.
You get my gist?
Self-criticism and fault-finding seem to be ‘the norm’.
Many of you go as far as to point out your perceived flaws to others!
You’re actually drawing attention to those parts of you, you don’t like – whilst casually dismissing genuine compliments from others.
This is where the bowls of fruit comes in to its own.
It’s where women bond over what shape they believe they are.
It’s much easier to discuss kiwi’s and strawberries than to use the disparaging ‘I lost my waist with the children’.
And sometimes it’s not true either! It’s in your imagination.
What’s so strange about this behaviour is that as a car owner – as most of you probably are, if it has a little dent in it, you don’t typically point out this minor flaw to others, do you? Because in the big scheme of things, it’s not important. You recognise that. And even if someone did point out a little dent, you’d brush it off lightly.
Could you start brushing off your own imagined flaws too?
Instead of self-criticism, learn how to highlight your good points.
You can learn how to dress to your advantage.
And how to exude grace, style and executive presence, whilst feeling supremely confident in your own body shape.
CWC style tip: Once you accept your body shape, the quicker you can get the hang of dressing your silhouette with confidence.
Using Mother Nature to guide us, we’ve identified 7 popular female shapes.
And illustrated these into female body shapes below:
Which one do you identify with the most?
Recognising your body shape is the first step to understanding how to dress your body shape.
If you are blessed with loads of confidence, you can wear what you like and what makes you feel good.
All too often though I am asked to correct ‘perceived’ flaws.
Sometimes the smallest of changes can create an illusion of your preferred shape.
There’s nothing wrong in wanting to look and feel your best, with a helping hand from a business stylist.
To exude Executive Style, confidence has to be there from the word Go.
And most of us, feel doubly confident when we know we look good.
Looking good comes from understanding your body shape and knowing how to make it look in proportion.
Style is an illusion. As I’ve said several times, there is NO perfect body shape.
There is No perfect look.
It’s how we dress our bodies that gives them shape and in the dimensions and proportions You prefer.
Adding shape to a Kiwi
The straight line of this business jacket mirrors the kiwi shape.
The clever twist is that it then flares out giving the ‘illusion’ of a waist.
To schedule a complimentary 30 minute Skype or telephone call, please send your details or telephone me on +44 (0)203 637 2433.
Further reading