In these days of internet marketing and global business networks,
promoting your personal brand is integral for presenting who you are
and what you stand for. It helps to establish your reputation as well as
build your future.
And if you want to stand out from the crowd, and leverage your
personal brand amid the noise of social media and the more traditional
methods of networking, you’ll also want to raise your personal profile.
There are more ways than one for doing this but for today, we are
focusing on the external cues.
The ‘externals’ include executive presence and being authentic, as well as your appearance, how you talk,
how you act and how you behave. During stressful times, think PUP: Poise under pressure.
Of all the externals, colour is the most noticeable. Colour is the strongest visual statement you can make.
It differentiates you from others and adds impact and presence in a corporate setting, especially in a sea of men’s
dark suits. This is exactly the time to use your femininity and the fact that women can wear more colour at work
than men. It’s your advantage! Use it.
Picture yourself standing in a group of men who are all taller than you, and everyone is wearing dark colours
such as black, charcoal and navy. You will be ‘lost in the crowd’ from the start. Alternatively, wear an
understated beautifully cut business dress in a colour, and you will stand out for all the right reasons. It’s an
easy win. Furthermore you will feel good and will be easy to recall.
The same applies attending a corporate event or evening party: if you wear black, it’s fine but you will be one
of many. If you want to be remembered, choose a colour. Here’s how to wear red for impact.
For corporate impact, go for bordeaux, deep cherry or true red. Worn in an elegant business dress, it adds instant gravitas, presence and style. You will be memorable for your presence as well as your business acumen.
If you are someone who worries about wearing a whole piece in red, use colour in a jacket, in a smaller piece
such as a blouse or knit or in bold accessories.
Accessories can add both colour and interest, turning an outfit from classic to chic.
They are the pieces that often pull your look together, so you’ll have that extra polish.
Below are a few favourites from this season. Avoid head to toe in red. Add a black or navy jacket and
shoes, and your look is professional and sophisticated.
If you would like to know how to wear more colour but are unsure which ones, please get in touch.
Stella McCartney Jaeger LK Bennett Paul Smith